WCI Membership 

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Annual Membership Fees

Membership Benefits

Membership Validity: March 21, 2021- March 20, 2022

1. Commit to us and for a 3 year period, we will waive off 20%. Fees for a 3-year membership paid upfront: ₹3,840
2. If you register before 15th December 2020 you get a complimentary membership to March 21, 2021.

Member Benefits:

1. Access to Learning Webinars/Training
2. Mentoring by Industry Leaders
3. Online learning resource access through AATC
4. Bi-monthly newsletter 
5. AATC Associate Membership
6. Invitation to AATC podcasts/live interviews
7. AATC discounted course prices
8. Networking platform 
9. WCI Digital Membership Card
10. Digital Certificate of Membership
11. WCI Uniforms at discounted rates
12. Specialized and specific training (concerning male and female athletes)
13. Holistic growth
14. Internship Assistance to Australia, USA, UK, Asia, and Europe
15. International Academy Affiliations

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We will take the necessary steps after you submit the application.

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Please complete the relevant questions mentioned in the contact form.

We are always waiting to welcome you!